Cathy C. Bennett Marriage Family Therapist
The decision to pursue therapy is a very positive step. Finding and connecting with the right therapist significantly enhances the success of your treatment. I invite you to explore the pages of this website, and make an informed decision in selecting the right therapist for you!
My career as a Psychotherapist has spanned decades as well as the SF Bay Area, having had offices in Lafayette, San Francisco, and now in Pleasant Hill, CA. Keeping my work current, vital & energized is of the utmost importance~ so over the years, I have invested in ongoing education and post licensure certificates in many of the clinical
“Best Practices” ~ Substance Abuse Treatment, Cognitive-Behavioral therapy, DBT, Hypnotherapy, Critical Incident Debriefing / Community Emergency Response, Mindfulness Practices, & Animal Assisted Therapy.
Please let me know how I might be of service to you and your loved ones!

Cathy C. Bennett, MFT
“Maggie” Certified Therapy Pet